Category: Travel

Badass gone good, and a 1000 year old church in Chester

Badass gone good, and a 1000 year old church in Chester

What is it about the small, quite insignificant looking building on the corner of Lower Bridge and St. Olave streets in Chester? Bearing, but not showing the name of the patron saint of Norway, St. Olav, who took on the kingship of Norway exactly 1000 years ago. Nothing, it would seem, judging from its inconspicuous […]

Indian Soap Opera

Indian Soap Opera

Or: 79 steps to clean clothes or:Bum scratching man and his disgusted missus In India, 53.3 % of the households sport a mobile phone, less than 20 % own a washer and only 11.9 % have access to a toilet connected to a sewage system. Clean tap water is not an Indian authority priority and […]

Travelling Light

Travelling Light

I don’t think I’ll ever become a light traveller. Believe me, I’ve tried: I limit shoes and clothes to a minimum and I have a PhD in finding travel sized items: toothbrush, shampoo, lotion, flash light, towel, computer, you name it. I even remove all unnecessary packaging, and apart from my guide books, all my […]

Incredible India

Incredible India

I never thought I had the capacity to perspire much, but I’m in the process of learning otherwise. India, however tenuous its claims to democracy may be in many respects, is equally generous to everyone when it comes to the opportunity to perspire and expire. Perched on my seat in a war- and weather beaten […]

Turkish Delights

Turkish Delights

“I don’t understand Turkey”, I said, when I finally came up for air. The hotel attendant’s apperently simple question: “What do you think about our country?” had hit me in the gut and left me dumbfounded. He threw back his head and laughed: “No one understands Turkey, not even us Turks!” Which is not hard […]

Pro Animal

Pro Animal

I’d simply had a smashing day: I’d been peed, pooped, and to top it all off, vomited on. And not only had I instantly forgiven the monster that did this to me, I’d even held it, petted it and fallen head-over-heals in love with it. The I-wanna-be-your-mum-provokingly adorable Rollie, together with his sister Rosali, was […]

La Gomera, Valle Gran Rey – La Merica – Arure

La Gomera, Valle Gran Rey – La Merica – Arure

«Consider the heat,» warned my newly befriended local, Dominique. Somewhat skeptical about my intention to walk from La Calera at the bottom of Valle Gran Rey, up La Merica to Arure, at about 800 m above sea level, “…it’s really blistering today”. I had studied the map and made up my mind; I had some excess energy to […]

La Gomera

La Gomera

Despite the fact that I had been travelling since three in the morning, sleep was not an option in my current position: My knees draped somewhere in the neighborhood of my ears, my bulging backpack in close proximity to my kidneys. From the look and feel of it, the bus taking us from Tenerife airport to […]

Viking Wirral adVenture

Viking Wirral adVenture

Considering the appalling behavior shown by some of my forefathers when they were last here, I am amazed and relieved that I am not being met by drawn swords and boiling oil when I meet up with John Emmett and Peter France of Wirral History and Heritage Association who have promised to show me around the Viking […]

Helsinki Rock n Roll Church

Helsinki Rock n Roll Church

Where Helsinki and Uspenski Cathedrals with their multitude of tall spears seem to be longingly reaching for the heavens, the Rock Church looks like a celestial body having landed on earth, planting itself deep in the granite surface on top of a hill. The gently curved cobber dome, glass panels and a rough rock wall […]