Category: Book

Fifty Shades of Grey

Fifty Shades of Grey

  Fifty Shades of Grey is the first book of what I to my horror discovered is a trilogy, the horror ceasing only when I, in disaccord with the book slapped myself, reminding me that no one can force me into reading the next two. The story of the unnerving relationship between the too-good-looking-for-his-own-and-everybody-else’s good […]

Head wiggling

I am reading yet another book set in India. Even though it’s now “A major motion picture”, it is, in my opinion, not a particularly good book, content- , structure- or language wise. The story is quite superficial, the characters are difficult to identify with and the research not impressive.  Still, there is something about […]

Dalai Lama

…and if reading No Impact Man wasn’t enough, I just had to go ahead and read The Art of Happiness by Dalai Lama. What am I, a masochist of sorts or what? Ladening myself with a bunch of ideals that I either am not able to or, even worse, not willing to live up to? […]

No Impact Man

Oops, I did it again… Read an excellent book, but one that leaves me challenged, in many ways. Colin Beaven, a New York resident, takes on the amazing task of living a life in the city without leaving any “footprints”. Something most of his friends, acquaintances and probably most of his readers initially think is […]