Location, relocation…

My name is Astrid Kähler, and I am a freelance writer based in Trondheim, Norway. I don’t know whether it’s due to the periphery of my location or my own disposition, but I seem to be constantly amazed, amused, awe- and occasionally moon-struck by the world around me, both the one on my own doorstep and the one further afield.

Norwegian Summer, Norwegian Summit, Galdhøpiggen

Circumstances, some fortunate and some less so, have over the past few years provided me with an opportunity to travel quite extensively. Although I don’t need to journey to set my writing muscle in motion, it certainly doesn’t do any harm. I love experiencing new places and meeting and interacting with people. The more I see and the more I learn, the humbler I get and the richer I feel.

Volcanic Vacation, Etna

The past

After many good years of studying, working as a ski instructor, raising three kids, teaching English, Sports and Computer Science to 16- to 18 year-olds, doing volunteer consultancy work, functioning as a part time event/activity/travel organizer and desk drawer writer, I had a forced “time-out”. By a case of serendipity or if you like, intervention by fate, I stumbled across the wonderful landscape of archaeology. This opened up a whole new world to me. Not only of prehistory, but also of the present, as everything in some way or other is interconnected in all dimensions. In turn, this lead me into a more pro-active writing period which got a boost when I started writing for SPOR, and kicked into high gear when I later was encouraged/nudged/dared into starting a blog.

Ruin with a View, Cefalu

 The present

Feature articles on sustainability, welfare, health and life style, crisis management, networking, team building, nutrition and more in newspapers and magazines: British Archaeology, Journal of Community Archaeology and Heritage, Chesire Life, Klassekampen, Ukeavisen Ledelse, Adresseavisen, Vårt Land, Dagsavisen, Matlyst…

Two page column, articles and editorials for the archaeological magazine SPOR , published by NTNU, Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

Contributor (Hiking experiences) to Year Book Norwegian Trekking Association

Contributor (On human eating habits from the Stone Age up untill today) to Neurowissen by Dr. Kurt Mosetter

Travelogues “with a twist”, musings on different subjects, technicalities (man and woman’s rendezvous with the world in which we live), food-health related material, poems etc.

Editing and revising book manuscripts prior to publishing. See portfolio.

Translating and editing texts for Sør-Trøndelag County Authorities Department of Cultural Heritage.

I have long since given up fitting my writing or myself into one defined “box”. If you after reading this come up with one that is applicable, please send me an email and let me know. That would in many ways make my life a whole lot easier, but, alas, also a whole lot more boring. So, come to think of it, don’t bother. Just have a nice day/life.

If you have any comments, questions, challenges, tasks or dares for me, please use the designated “comment” link below each post or email me at astrid@kahler.no

“Adults are obligated to have fun so that kids will want to grow up”. I take that very seriously…


Carefree Catamaran Cruising, Negombo
“Open Office”, KaluraBay
Greec Theater Tramp
Sea Sun Summer, Satisfied!

Minds are like parachutes, they only function when they’re open”, Thomas R. Dewar